Step 24: Reflection:

Recall the following questions used at the beginning of the unit to set a purpose for reading the novel. In your Readers Notebook, answer the following questions:

1) Why are we reading the novel To Kill a Mockingbird today when it was written in the 1960s?

2) What value does the book hold for the modern teenager?

3) What does the book mean in terms of how I think about myself, my family, my peers, my community, my country and humanity.

Step 25: Elements of a Novel: Think back to the ElementsOfANovelPPT.ppt about novels you viewed at the beginning of this unit and answer the following questions on your Readers Notebook:

1. Describe the setting of the novel.

2. Jem and Scout change their opinions about Boo Radley over the course of the novel. How does this relate to the themes of the novel?

3. Who are the protagonists of the novel?

4. Who are the antagonists?

5. Describe the conflicts in the novel. Give an example of Person vs. Person and Person vs. Society

Step 26: Summative Assessment

Theme Presentation:

1.Identify the central theme of the novel and write it in a complete sentence. (The

cluster you made earlier will help you with this assignment.)

2. Analyze how the author developed the theme.

3.View a movie (other than a film of the novel) with the same theme, and write a description of how the theme of the film is the same as the theme of To Kill A Mockingbird. For example the movie, A Time to Kill

4. Find one additional current example of the theme in another genre; (poems, songs, speeches, news articles.)

Example of the I Have A Dream Speech:

5. Prepare a ten minute video, podcast, or powerpoint to present the importance of the theme to the novel and how it relates to the film and genre piece and include music that connects to the theme. Include facts, details and descriptions from the novel.

Heres an example of a short themed video in this units folder :

(From Deeper Reading , p.121-22 by Kelly Gallagher)

Rubric for Theme Presentation

Theme Presentation for To Kill A Mockingbird






Soundtrack - Emotion

Music stirs a rich emotional response that matches the theme well.

Music stirs a rich emotional response that somewhat matches the theme well.

Music is ok, and not distracting, but it does not add much to the presentation

Music is distracting, inappropriate, OR was not used.

Point of View - Purpose

Establishes a purpose or theme early on and maintains a clear focus throughout.

Establishes a purpose or theme early on and maintains focus for most of the presentation.

There are a few lapses in focus of theme, but the purpose is fairly clear.

It is difficult to figure out the purpose or theme of the presentation.


Images create a distinct atmosphere or tone that matches the theme. The images may communicate symbolism and/or metaphors.

Images create an atmosphere or tone that matches the theme. The images may communicate symbolism and/or metaphors.

An attempt was made to use images to create an atmosphere/tone but it needed more work. Image choice is logical.

Little or no attempt to use images to create an appropriate atmosphere/tone.

Duration of Presentation

Length of presentation was 10 minutes

Length of presentation was 8 or 9 minutes

Length of presentation was 6 or 7 minutes

Presentation was less than 7 minutes


All of the music and images show exceptional creativity.

Most of the music and images show exceptional creativity.

Music and images show a fair degree of creativity.

Music and images do not evidence any creativity.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 12:25 PM