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Elementary iPad Introduction
Instructional Technology
Gascon iPad Home
Lesson 2
Step 4: Review clean up procedures.
Step 4: Review clean up procedures.
Review how to clean up from Lessson 1.
◄ Step 3: Time to play.
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Step 1: What do you know about iPads?
Step 2: Brainstorm how to use iPad appropriately.
Step 3: Present this "How to use an iPad" slideshow
Step 4: (Optional) Pass out an Acceptable Use Policy for student to sign.
Step 5: Show the iPad
Step 6: Pass out iPads to students
Step 7: Clean up procedures
Step 1: Review Slideshow (iPad procedures)
Step 2: Review how to use iPad.
Step 3: Time to play.
Step 1: Review procedures and iPad basic functions.
Multiple Choice Demo
Step 1: Review procedures and iPad basic functions. ►