Step 11: Formative Assessment-Readers Notebook Method Marketing and the Seven Motivating Emotions

Method Marketing

You will be reading several articles about how marketing professionals use specific techniques to sell products to you. Print out and read the following article and based on your reading, describe what Method Marketing is in your on line Readers Notebook.

Method Marketing: How to Make a Fortune by Getting Inside the Heads of Your Customers by Denny Hatch book review by Michael Gray

Also included in this book review are the seven motivating emotions. In your readers notebook, describe an advertisement you have seen that you think is effective and identify the human emotion that it is designed to appeal to.

Step 12: Formative Assessment Close and Critical Reading-Emotions Rule the Brains Decisions

Emotions Rule the Brains Decisions

At the beginning of this module, you received a set of Close and Critical Reading bookmarks. Close and Critical Reading bookmarks.pdf Using the first bookmark (What is Close and Critical Reading), you will be using this process to examine very carefully, a study that was done on emotions and their effect on behaviors. You will be answering questions such as what does the text say, how does the text say it, what does the text mean and why the information is important.

Go to the article Emotions Rule the Brains Decisions and print it out.

Print out the directions for reading this article. Article Emotions and Behavior.doc Following the directions for close and critical reading, highlight the key information from this text.

Step 13: Formative Assessment Readers Notebook-how emotions rule the brains decisions

Based on your close and critical reading of the article
Emotions Rule the Brains Decisions, in your on line readers notebook, answer the following questions: what does the text say, how does the text say it, what does the text mean and why is the information is important?

Step 14: Formative Assessment Readers Notebook-Marketing to Teens

Marketing to Teens -Advertising Strategies

Go to the on line Marketing to Teens site and print out the pages that have the fifteen marketing strategies. In your on line Readers Notebook identify the fifteen marketing strategies used to market products to teens. Next to each marketing strategy, write a word or phrase that best describes this marketing strategy.

Below is an example :

Name of Marketing Strategy


Heart String

Appeals to emotions; tells a story

Step 15 : Formative Assessment Readers Notebook-Marketing Strategies in Action on the Web

Select three of the fifteen marketing strategies and locate an example of each of the three strategies in advertisements on the internet. In your Readers Notebook include the three examples. Be sure to indicate which marketing strategies are being illustrated.

Step 16: Formative Assessment Readers Notebook-Story Telling

Method Marketing

Go to the on line Michael Gray article; read it and in your readers notebook, respond to the following statement: "If you want to sell something, just tell a story." Do you think this is true; would Michael Gray believe it is true? Why or why not?

Step 17 : Formative Assessment Readers Notebook-Cornell Notes

Go to the web site above and using one of the note taking strategies included, print out and read the Gray article making notes in the margins regarding what it is about as well as key ideas and phrases.

Cornell Notes

Step 18: Formative Assessment Readers Notebook-Teens and Advertising

"Teens and Advertising"- Student Opinion Article

Go to the Teens and Advertising on line article, print it out and read it. In your readers notebook, answer the following questions: of the fifteen marketing strategies (from Step 4), which ones were used that made Haley buy the Venus razor and explain why you believe this way.

Step 19 : Formative Assessment Readers Notebook-Web advertising

Below is an example of an advertisement from the web made by Fed Ex.

Fed Ex Castaway.   Examine this commercial and in your readers notebook determine who is the target audience, what product is being marketed, what marketing strategies are being used, what medium is used and what story is being told. (Make sure the sound on your computer is on.)

Step 20 : Formative Assessment Google Search

Do a Google search for a product of your choice or select one commercial which you think is really effective in reaching its target audience. In your readers notebook determine who is the target audience, what is being marketed, what strategies are used and why the medium selected is effective?

Step 21: Formative Assessment Readers Notebook-Planning to Market a Product

Decide upon a product that you would like to sell. In your Readers Notebook determine your target audience, which strategies would be most effective and explain why.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 12:25 PM