Step 29: Begin reading Act IV.

Read Act IV of Romeo and Juliet and then complete the following steps.

Step 30: Readers Notebook - Expressing Opinion

Answer the following in your Readers Notebook based on your reading.

  1. Review the events in Act IV . One of the central themes in the play is that there are times when secrets should be told. How could the events in this Act have turned out differently if Juliet had told her parents the truth?
  2. Other characters in the drama could have intervened to save the two lovers from their fate. How could the events in the act have turned out differently if the Nurse or the Friar had told the truth to others?

Step 31: Readers Notebook - Responding to Informational Media

Watch Segment 6: Are There Lessons For Parents? from "Inside the Teenage Brain" PBS Frontline. Click the above link. This will take you to segment 4 of the video. Click on the chapters button. Navigate to segment 6 and click this link.

In your Readers Notebook respond to the following questions based on your viewing.

  1. How did Romeo and Juliet interact with their parents? In your opinion were they good parents? Explain the basis for your opinion.
  2. How could the information in the video have helped the parents in the drama be better parents?

Step 32: Summative Assessment: End of Act IV

Use the link below to review the information in Act IV. The review assessment consists of questions about the characters, quotes, plot, and essay.

Act IV Summative Assessment

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 12:25 PM