Step 7: Summative Assessment Write a Descriptive Essay-"Your Last Days of High School"

Below is an example of a descriptive essay written by a high school senior. Read the essay and using what you have learned about descriptive essays as well as literary devices write your own descriptive essay on "Your Last Days of High School."

This site is a great tool for locating other examples of descriptive essays.

Here is a link for a graphic organizer you can use to write a descriptive essay.


Here is a link for locating tips for writing a good descriptive paragraph

Tips for Good Descriptive Paragraphs.doc

Now that you are familiar with literary devices that authors use and have seen examples of descriptive essays, write a descriptive essay on an important event in your life in your Readers Notebook.

Descriptive Essay Rubric

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 12:25 PM